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Grade 8 Social Studies- Homework Summary


PART A:  Matching  (12 marks)
PART B:  Short answer (5 x 2 marks each = 10 marks)
PART C:  Migration case studies (4 x 3 marks each= 12 marks)
PART D:  Graph analysis (6 marks)
TEST IS OUT OF 50-  It is worth 30% of the Geography term mark
Some key definitions to know (for all parts of the test)
Migration:  moving residences from one location to another
Forced migration:  having to move residences due to circumstances beyond your control (eg.  Jews during the Holocaust, Black slaves having to leave the US to escape slavery)
Push/pull factors:  Reasons to leave your current location/reasons drawing you to a new location
Immigration:  Coming into a new country
Emigration:  Leaving your current country
assimilation:  gradually adopting your new country's culture and language while losing your own culture at the same time
discrimination:  treating someone differently because of their race, religion, culture, language, age, gender etc..
Prejudice:  pre-judging an individual based on their race, gender, religion, age, language etc..
Racism:  mistreatment of people who belong to a particular racial group
Stereotypes: Paradigms constructed about particular groups of people that are not true for all group members.  Does not necessarily involve negative perceptions, but rather "blanket" misconceptions that all people of a group are the same (eg.  Black people are all great dancers, girls must all be good cooks, boys aren't supposed to cry, women are bad drivers etc..)
acculturation:  when one arrives in a new country, the process of getting used to and adopting a new culture/way of life.
culture:  a way of life shared by a group of people, including the way they obtain food, the way they bring up their children, their values, beliefs, language, customs and religion.
cosmopolitan:  Ethnically and culturally diverse
enclaves:  Areas, often within large cities, that are concentrations of particular ethnic groups.
Point system:  A method used by governments to assess a potential immigrant's suitability using different measures such as family ties, language, and work skills.
Quota:  The maximum number of immigrants allowed to enter a country per year. 
Visible minorities:  Groups that, because of their skin colour or dress, are easily recognized as appearing different from the mainstream population
Xenophobia:  Fear of strangers; particularly, a mistrust of people who look and act differently
brain drain:  When skilled professionals, trained here in Canada, leave to go to the US or other country for more money/resources/prestige.
Business Class:  This includes investors and entrepreneurs.  You have to show proof of a minimum amount of money that you have to invest or start up a business upon entrance to Canada.
Independent Class:  These people are skilled professionals needed in Canada.  They are ranked using a point system based on the need Canada has for those particular professions:  For example, doctors would be worth more points right now because we have a doctor shortage here in Canada.
Family Class:  an immigrant must show proof that they have a relative here in Canada who is financially stable enough to support them while they find work here in Canada or, in the case of children, support them while they go to school etc..
Refugee:  people who are granted access to Canada because they are in grave danger in their home country
International Adoption:  Canadian citizens may adopt orphans in other countries, depending on the other country's laws for such adoptions.  Many Canadian families adopt children from China, Russia, The Phillippines etc..
For this test question students will be give 4 case studies.  For each they have to identify the immigration class, one question they would ask the potential immigrant, and where you would recommend they go in Canada.  (we did this type of exercise in class).
This will be a three paragraph report on the migration group they chose for their "vignette" in class (Underground railroad, Chinese railway workers, Irish potato famine migrants)
Paragraph 1-  Introduction-  What group did you study?  Why did you choose this group for your vignette?   (2 sentences minimum)
Paragraph 2-  Body-  When did the migration take place?  Why did these people leave their home country?  What struggles did these people meet along the way?  Did these people stay in Canada?  What was the effect of this migration on Canada? (5 sentences minimum)
Paragraph 3-  Conclusion-  Recap what you talked about.  What did you learn about mass migration?  What were the most interesting/shocking things you learned about the particular group you studied? (3 sentences minimum)

Evaluation Breakdown for Term 2
TEST                                                 30%
DOFASCO Transportation Rose      10%
World Map                                          5%
Big City, Ontario                                  5%
Trade Organization Organizer               5%
Pie Graph                                             5%
TOTAL                                  100%


Thursday February 19. 2004

What you need to know!!!

1. The 4 trade organizations Canada belongs to:

APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation

This is an organization made up of 18 countries on the Pacific Rim (those countries whose borders touch the Pacific Ocean). These countries have friendly relations (ie. No war) and they trade with each other to promote each others economies.

NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement

Formed in 1994 between U.S.A., Canada and Mexico. These countries have friendly relations and have vowed not to add tax to items imported from each other. What this means is that all three member countries are ensured that they will have each other to trade freely with for the duration of the agreement.

OAS: Organization of American States

An organization of 35 member countries, ALL of which are in the Western Hemisphere.

Like APEC, OAS ensures that member countries will support each other both socially and economically by buying each others products and supporting each other in times of social unrest.

G-8: Group of 8

Formed in 1985 as the Group of 7, includes all the most powerful countries in the world: Canada, U.S.A., U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Japan. Russia was the last country to join, thus making it the G-8. The G-8 is concerned with helping underdeveloped countries with their economies by forgiving debts, encouraging trade and mostly by promoting peace in these countries to promote economic growth and independence.

2. The 4 Types of Economies

Subsistence: Grow/produce only enough products for own needs (e.g. vegetable gardening)

Command: Production is regulated by the government with each farmer allocated a "quota" (i.e. maximum amount of product they can produce for profit). This prevents producers from making more money by producing more product. An example of this would be the industries of milk, beef, egg and tobacco production. Communist countries are almost exclusively command economies.

Traditional: This means that people produce the same product that has been produced in their area for generations, using methods they have learned from their ancestors. Usually a particular area develops a traditional economy because environmental conditions are ideal for that particular product. Examples of traditional economies are fishing in the maritime provinces, tobacco farming in Tillsonburg, mining in Sudbury.

Market: This type of economy dominates in U.S.A. and Canada as producers are not limited in their production and are free to market their products to increase consumption and therefore make them lots of profit!! Any product you see advertised is part of the market economy as it relies on advertising. Some examples of market economies are the North American auto, clothing and soft drink industries- to name but a few.

3. Types of Industry

Primary Industry- These industries take raw materials directly from their source. Examples are farming, mining, fishing, logging.

Secondary Industry- These industries take raw materials and make them into new and useful products. Examples of this type of industry a car manufacturing plant, a chair factory, etc.

Tertiary Industry- These industries are SERVICE industries. These do not manufacture goods, but rather they provide a service to the community. Examples include restaurants, travel agencies, retail stores, Internet providers etc..





_______ * initial brainstorming web (ie. What kind of business do you want to open?)

_______ * colour picture of your "ideal" storefront

_______ * property info (ie. Real estate listing with all details- address, size, price etc.)

_______ * 100 word description of your business and why Woodstock needs it

_______ * "Grand Opening" ad for the Woodstock Sentinel Review

_______ * Employee schedules/salaries/job descriptions

_______ * floor plan of business

_______ * outline and grand total of all the costs for starting up this business (ie. Land and building purchase, office equipment, stock, salaries, utilities, advertising etc..)

_______ * 20 questions (with answers)- This is where you had to interview any person of your choice about their job.

_______ * one page summary of what you learned about opening up your own business through this project!!!!!


These are merely required entries. You may add as much to your scrapbook as you wish to make it attractive, interesting and informative. Please also be aware that I will be looking closely for titles underlined with a ruler, neatness and some element of organization (eg. Try to stick to one theme per page. Finish things you started in the same location of your book.)

This project will account for AT LEAST 30% of your Geography mark this term (more if you are trying to bring up a lower test mark!!)








- scrapbook contains few required elements and little to no additional research

- scrapbook contains most required elements and little to no additional research

- scrapbook contains all/almost all required elements and some additional research

- scrapbook contains all required elements and extensive additional research


- work demonstrates little attention to neatness/organization

- many entries are incomplete/disorganized

- many titles are missing or not underlined

- scrapbook contains almost no colours/graphics

- work demonstrates some attention to neatness/organization

- some entries are incomplete/disorganized

- some titles are missing or not underlined

- scrapbook contains few colours/graphics

- work demonstrates careful attention to neatness/organization

- entries are all/almost all complete and organized

- all/ almost all titles are underlined with ruler

- scrapbook contains many colours/graphics

- work demonstrates superior attention to neatness with logical/sequential organization

- all entries are complete/organized

- all titles are underlined with a ruler

- scrapbook contains unique and enhancing colours/graphics


- scrapbook contains little/no original work (i.e. Work is all/almost all photocopies or Internet printouts)

- scrapbook contains little/no analysis of the costs to start up the business in question

- scrapbook does not use of a wide variety of sources (i.e. Internet, books, personal interviews/contacts)

- scrapbook contains some original work (i.e. Work contains mostly photocopies or Internet printouts)

- scrapbook contains some analysis of the costs to start up the business in question

- scrapbook demonstrates the use of a limited variety of sources (i.e. Internet, books, personal interviews/contacts)

- scrapbook contains mostly original work (i.e. Drawings, personal reflections/analyses)

* scrapbook contains careful analysis of the costs to start up the business in question

- scrapbook demonstrates the use of a wide variety of sources (i.e. Internet, books, personal interviews/contacts)

- scrapbook contains an extensive amount of original work (i.e. Drawings, personal reflections/analyses)

- scrapbook contains careful and extensive analysis of the costs to start up the business in question

- scrapbook demonstrates the independent use of a wide variety of sources (i.e. Internet, books, personal interviews/contacts)



Patterns in Human Geography Review

You should understand the following terms for the test:

* Population density- the number of people per unit of area. Large numbers in an area mean it is a dense population (clustered). Small numbers in an area mean it is a sparse population (scattered). When a population forms along a line it is called a linear population.
* Mapping Grid Coordinates - to use grid coordinates first go right along the bottom then up along the side.
* Urbanization - a shift of population from the rural areas to the cities, with resulting changes in peoples lifestyle (eg. Suburban growth)
* Globalization- describes the increased mobility of goods, services, labour, technology and capital throughout the world. Examples include worldwide organizations, UPS, international trade, media and satellite communication, convenient international travel.
******* Land Use *********
* residential- where people live
* commercial - sells a product or service
* industrial- manufactures goods
* institutional- public buildings ( schools, churches, etc.)
* agricultural- farming, forestry, fisheries
* transportation- all means of travel (roads, waterways, bridges)
* recreational/open space- parks and all open spaces

*********** Statistics*******
* birth rate- the number of births per thousand people in one year
* literacy rate- The percentage of people aged 15 and above who can, with understanding, both read and write a short, simple statement related to their everyday life.
* GDP- gross domestic product, the amount of money available in a country divided by the total population
* Infant mortality - The number, per 1000 births, of children under one year old who die in a year.
* Death rate - the number of deaths, per 1000 people, in a year.
* Developed countries - have the majority of its workforce in secondary industries (services). (Eg. Canada, USA, Europe)
* Developing countries- have the majority of their workforce in primary or tertiary industries (agriculture, mining, forestry) (Eg. Africa, Asia except Japan, middle east)
* Site - the physical features in the area where the city is located ABSOLUTE
* Situation - the general position of a city in relation to transportation, other cities, natural resources, etc. RELATIVE
* Correlation- the relationship between two different pieces of information. (Eg. Birth rate and literacy rate as the literacy rate increases the birth rate decreases this is a negative correlation)


Breakdown of Evaluation

In Class-Assignments (6 x 5 marks each) 30%
Major Project- Country Scrapbook 40%
Term Test 30%

The weighting of the project and test can be flipped so that the item with the higher grade will be worth 40%, and the lower will be worth 30%.

The country scrapbook project involves an ongoing study of a country of the world. The countries will be randomly selected out of a hat during the first week of school. This project is open-ended in that it allows students to work within their own abilities, focus on their strengths, and be as creative as they would like. I will be listing the "required elements" for this project on this page as the term progresses. To give you an idea....a level 2 (C) will include most of these required elements but little to no additional research. A level 3 (B) will include all the required elements with some additional research. A Level 4 will include ALL the required elements with precision and creativity. They will also include extensive additional items in their scrapbook.

This is an ongoing project with a due date of FRIDAY OCTOBER 10th (Thanksgiving weekend!!) :-)

COUNTRY SCRAPBOOK- required elements

1. Country flag
2. 5 terms in the country's official language (with translations)
3. recipes for 2 traditional dishes from that country
4. travel information- how would you plan to visit your country
5. Map of the country with major cities and bodies of water labelled
6. Pictures depicting traditional and contemporary dress
7. Statistics on the following- birth rate, life expectancy, literacy rate, GNP, population, major religions, languages spoken, major imports and exports, structure of government (ie. include who is the "head of state", president, Prime Minister etc..)
8. 100 word summary describing what you learned and why you would or would not like to live in the country you studied.